June 14, 2016
Ontario’s Climate Change Action plan represents a comprehensive and ambitious blueprint for stimulating the transition towards a low carbon society. Given the scope and ambition…
May 13, 2016
The Ontario Climate Consortium team would like to thank everyone who participated in our 2016 Ontario Climate Symposium. Thanks go especially to our main sponsors: the…
April 21, 2016
It is widely accepted that climate change is a present reality. Furthermore, present concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere suggest we can expect to…
April 7, 2016
In Ontario, as in many other jurisdictions, governance over energy systems is being decentralized to build community resilience and improve the efficacy of climate change…
February 2, 2016
Planning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Cataraqui Region The Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority recently collaborated on a research project with graduate students in the…